Team LA
Little Avondale and its horses are only as good as their team. It's their daily attention to detail which ensures the safety and health of every horse
The A Team!
Helen Phinney - Stallion Manager
Alyssa Fox - Yearling Manager
Adam Corder - Broodmare Manager
Nikita Cunningham - Foaling Manager
Liz Wakeham - Night Watch Manager
Rose Bauckham - Foal Watch
Rob Meredith - Farm Maintenance & Builder
Kerry Drummond - Farm and Irrigation
Sharleen Drummond - Feedroom Manager
VETS - Mandy Illston, Grainne Cuunniingham, Rebecca Presow
Maia Waretini-Anderson - Pre Trainer
FARRIERS - Kambel Barham
Michael McDonald
Rahul Singh
Ganga Singh
Anna O'Çonnor
Rachel Clouston