Team LA

Little Avondale and its horses are only as good as their team. It's their daily attention to detail which ensures the safety and health of every horse

Sam Williams

Little Avondale's proprietor Sam Williams. It all began at the Te Parae stables for pocket money of $5 a day!


Catriona Williams

Catriona Williams began riding as a four year old, in front of the saddle of her mother Maureen as they shifted sheep and cattle on the McLeod family's Wairarapa farm.


Buzz & Susie

Multiple Gr.1 Breeders
(of Sam/Anna/George)

Kirsty Percy

Business Manager

Brian Nally

Team Builder

John Duncan

All The News

Lawson Campbell

The Everything Guy

Emma Hepburn

HR and More

The A Team!

Helen Phinney - Stallion Manager
Alyssa Fox - Yearling Manager
Adam Corder - Broodmare Manager
Nikita Cunningham - Foaling Manager
Liz Wakeham - Night Watch Manager
Rose Bauckham - Foal Watch
Rob Meredith - Farm Maintenance & Builder
Kerry Drummond - Farm and Irrigation
Sharleen Drummond - Feedroom Manager
VETS - Mandy Illston, Grainne Cuunniingham, Rebecca Presow
Maia Waretini-Anderson - Pre Trainer
FARRIERS - Kambel Barham
Michael McDonald
Rahul Singh
Ganga Singh
Anna O'Çonnor
Rachel Clouston
A distinguished history
Bryce Newman - Bulls Trainer